Sabtu, 23 November 2019


Tips Menguasai Listening Dengan Cepat

Hai semua! Kali ini saya akan memberikan tips bagi kalian tentang cara menguasai listening dengan cepat. Masalah listening merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering dialami oleh banyak orang, biasanya yang mengalami masalah ini mereka merasa sulit mengetahui detail kata yang diucapkan oleh orang lain yang menggunakan bahasa inggris. Mereka bukan tidak bisa mengartikannya tetapi, sulit memahami apa yang diucapkan oleh orang lain tersebut, karena ada kata-kata yang kedengarannya sama padahal kata itu berbeda, apalagi saat menonton film dan ujian. Mungkin kalian ahli dalam speaking, reading dan writing. Tapi, ketika listening atau mendengar itu sulit. Jadi, kamu wajib untuk sering melatih kemampuan kamu dalam listening. Hal tersebut akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan kamu dalam menangkap apa maksud dari yang dikatakan oleh orang lain ketika berbahasa inggris. Tips untuk menguasai listening:

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penguasaan listening by EnglishWithPuri.

Click here!



A conditional sentence is a sentence that expresses a condition. A condition is something that can only happen if something else occurs. A conditional sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause that almost always begins with “if” but we can also use another word except “if” like provided that, unless or otherwise. In this paper we will discuss about conditional sentence with “if” and “otherwise”.

A.    Otherwise
Otherwise is a transition that contrasts reality with wishes and dreams. It means “if the situation were different ”or ”under other circumstances”.

Hope and Wish


Most of people get confused between hope and wish. Hope and wish have very similar meanings. We use them to express our desire for something different from how it is now. In a nutshell, hope mainly expresses a desire that is possible or likely to happen. Wish usually expresses a desire that is impossible or unlikely to happen. Sentences with hope and wish are usually followed by a noun clause starting with that.
A conditional sentence is a sentence that expresses a condition. A condition is something that can only happen if something else occurs. A conditional sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause that almost always begins with “if” but we can also use another word except “if” like provided that, unless or otherwise. In this paper we will discuss about conditional sentence with “if” and “otherwise”.

Senin, 18 November 2019


A.    Introduction of infinitives
The infinitive is to + simple form.
Functions of infinitives
Like the gerund, the infinitive is a verb form that can replace a noun, but it may not be the object of a preposition.

Infinitives of a purpose can be used with or without the expression in order.
Noun Phrase Object of a Verb
I would like a new bicycle.
Infinitive Object of a Verb
I would like to buy a new bicycle.
Infinitive Subject
To choose the right one takes a little time.
Infinitive Complement
It is fun to look at all the models at a bicycle store.
Infinitive of Purpose
To buy a really good bicycle costs a lot of money.
He’ll save for a year (in order) to buy that bicycle.

Like verb, infinitives have affirmative and negative forms and active and passive forms. Infinitives can also have subjects and objects.

Minggu, 17 November 2019

Goals and Objectives


  1. Goals
 Program goals are defined in this book as general statements concerning desirable and attainable program purpose and aims based on perceived language and situation needs. In deriving goals from perceived needs, four points should be remembered:
1.      Goals are general statements of the program’s purpose.
2.      Goals should usually focus on what the program hopes to accomplish in the future, and particularly on what the students should be able to do when they leave the program.
3.      Goals can serve as one basis for developing more precise and observable objectives.
4.      Goals should never be viewed as permanent, that is, they should never become set in cement.
The process of defining goals makes the curriculum developers and participants consider, or reconsider, the program’s purposes with specific reference to what the student should be able to do when they leave the program.

Audacity gabungan materi

Audacity merupakan software yang dibuat khusus untuk mengelolah file berbasis audio. Audacity bisa digunakan dengan cara memotong, memper...